Review of 24

24 (I) (2016)
Stoping reading reviews, go watch it!!!
8 May 2016
Suriya's 24 is a brilliant film made by Vikram K Kumar!

Wondering why the review starts without any build-up and right away cuts to the point? It is because, that is how director Vikram K Kumar starts his narration in 24, which from the very first breath starts to grow in front of your eyes. Absolutely no time taken in setting up the plot or leeway given to the audience to settle down - Beware, for this particular film, it is a mandate to watch it from the first for you to enjoy the complete essence of the story; please avoid walking into the cinema hall late!

The ultimate fact of life that solution to almost every problem or conflict in one's life can be fixed if 'time' was manipulative. Now, using this fact to tell a story is more than a smart move, as stories are about conflicts and the subsequent resolutions. This is where Suriya's 24 does not struggle even a bit to captivate you as it chooses 'time travel' as its primary concept.

There might be a common argument criticizing the romance sequence and the decision to have chosen this episode to tell the power of an important gadget in the film. But what one shouldn't forget is, a storyteller is given the tag 'smart' only when he understands his whole wide range of audience and designs the elements of his story accordingly.

Full marks to Suriya for portraying three characters simultaneously covering all emotions from a lover, caring father to a crazy villain...Also do enjoy the soundtrack by AR Rehman...

Film industry should continue engaging in such daring, experimental ventures and widen the scope for storytellers in our industry.
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