Pegasus Vs. Chimera (2012 TV Movie)
Fast-forwarding footage of a horse doesn't make it look like a Pegasus.
7 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, the good people at Syfy seem to have thought it does.

While "Pegasus Vs. Chimera" is not the absolute worst of the Syfy library, it still fares extremely bad on pretty much all areas. The writing is bad and the acting is either over the top or emotionless (mostly the latter), so be prepared for a lot of cringe-worthy lines. The story is nothing special; there's a couple of bad guys who basically want to conquer the world. It's up to a blacksmith and a princess to stop them, and eventually there are a Chimera and a Pegasus fighting on both respective sides.

At a lot of points a badly executed shaky cam technique is used. On top of that there are numerous, and may I add pointless, establishing shots that might give you motion sickness. Also, be prepared for a lot, and I mean a lot of unnecessary and abrupt cuts. Some of the scenery looks okay, however the bad guys do seem to like to visit the same beach a couple of times, which is also the same beach where the father of the hero was murdered years before. What a coincidence, huh?

As might be expected of a Syfy movie, it contains a lot of bad CGI and special effects. The Chimera isn't well animated itself, but any scene in which someone fights him looks simply horrendous - that is as far as you can even see any of it, since there are so many cuts, even during the most important scenes. The way they tried to make an ordinary horse look like a Pegasus is possibly the worst aspect of this movie. As the title of this review says, footage of the horse is fast-forwarded to make it look like it has "extraordinary powers".

One thing I did like about this movie, is that in one scene near the end of the movie, everyone is involved in a battle, while the horse quietly stands behind them, grazing. Hilarious.
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