How did I miss the first one? Up with this sort of thing!
3 May 2016
I saw this in Nextflix (which has a limited service in Ireland but charges the same money) and am surprised to learn I missed the first film.

Thanks to the ladies for telling the truth and putting it on film. I've tweeted and posted on FB that people should watch this.

I guess, its easy to assume that beautiful people have it easy and that's not necessarily the case. (A casting director would perhaps class me as straight woman who looks like an Irish lesbian nun). Excellent point about tax deductions wrt beauty treatments! Why hasn't SAG lobbied for that??

I'm a lawyer and we get type cast as well. Women often do property and probate which is the tougher work, involving client hand holding but also suject to ups and downs. While men often do litigation, which has a longer time frame and more stable. Most lawyers nowadays are women but those running the firms are men. There is nothing creepier than a man who encourages the younger, female staff to massage his ego (ok there are some things creepier but not in an open office). If I'm tough, people call me a 'bitch' but if a male colleague is tough 'he's negotiating'.

In politics, getting women to vote for women is hard work and we need to encourage all women to jump the rail. Why don't we support women? Women do most of the work on this planet and have little of the power.

When it comes to the money I spend, I try to target women - even my mechanic is a woman (in business with her brother). Books by female writers. Music by female artists. The radio and TV I catch, I only listen to female hosts.

As women, we have a responsibility to say 'I will support other women with every dollar I spend'. Then women will have 54% of the roles!
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