Ho Hum
30 April 2016
As was the original, the remake of "The Out of Towners" is a comedy about a series of mishaps that befall a naive Ohio couple when they venture to New York City. Their plane is rerouted to Boston. They fail to catch a train from there to the Big Apple. Then they rent a car, which they wreck minutes after arriving in Manhattan. Things go downhill from there.

'Fine' as 'fine' can be, this new version of Neil Simon's tale of city lunacy has its moments, mostly thanks to the brief but welcome stiff upper lip of John Cleese, but doesn't offer much more. Hawn and Martin are perfectly decent as a team, but it's Cleese who steals the show. He steals every scene he appears in and outshines both the film's "stars" whenever they appear in the same shot. Also, director Sam Weissman offers a good looking comedy, with plenty of cityscapes and chases, especially during the night time up at Central Park. The bit of our leads under the bridge in the shadows is actually rather beautiful. Directing and Technical Credits are Average, nothing special... In fact, the Whole Film has a "Nothing Special" kind of Feel about it, no one except the three Principle Performers seem to be trying very hard, but If you Accept that Going In, you'll have a Lot more fun with it.

Overall rating: 6 out of 10.
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