A (spoofing) Politcally Correct review. (Definitely not the opinions of anybody here)
22 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
WELL NOW AFTER an opening like that, we wish to play Devil's Advocate today. What we are doing and the dissertation that follows are not the opinions of anyone employed by our writing staff (namely me).

WELL WARNER BROTHERS Studios really had nerve and expressed some inner dislike for those of us who are descended from our ancestors from the "Emerald Isle." What we are referring to is their depictions of the Irish in America. We're referring, of course, to the likes of their pictures such as THE FIGHTING 69th, MY WILD IRISH ROSE and YANKEE DOODLE DANDY.

BUT MOST OF all, we mean this THE IRISH IN US. How dare they portray a family of 3 grown-up brothers, all still living at home with their heavily brogue accented, widowed Mother (Mary Gordon). Next they put them in a blue collar, working man's neighborhood and in a tenement building yet!

ADDING INSULT TO the already extremely injured reputation of the "Narrow Backs"*, the 3 sons are portrayed as Pat a NYPD Cop (Pat O'Brien), Mike a NYC Fireman (Frank McHugh) and Danny aspiring Prizefighter Manager (James Cagney). Why there's not a Brain Surgeon, a Rocket Scientist or even a Real Estate Agent among them!

OKAY, THAT'S QUITE enough of our lampooning a "Politically Correct" reviewer. We hope that our extensive number of readers enjoyed it and we thank you for extending the opportunity to us this opportunity to "let it all hang out!"

NOW AS FOR this Warners Pot Boiler from 1935, we found it to be as good an enjoyable comedy that it was when we saw it while in Junior High, circa 1958. It was one of those many Warner Brothers productions &cartoons that were packaged for television through Associated Artist Productions. Collectively they taught the Baby Boomer generation just who were Cagney, Bogart, O'Brien, Raft & Flynn were and what they meant to the audiences of the 1930's and '40's.

THE MOVIE IS an excellent blend of several elements; but it still qualifies as being classified as a 'Comedy'; especially in the Classic sense. Although there are some serious moments here and there, the overall effect and tone are light and very enjoyable.

AN ELEMENT THAT one wouldn't expect in an otherwise comic story is that of what has long been called "the Eternal Triangle." And this yet is between two brothers over one Lucielle Jackson! This was a portrayal by Miss Olivia de Haviland that was unusual; for she most often was a character of high upbringing and wealth even. her character was daughter of the Police Captain Jackson (J. Farrell Mac Donald).

ANOTHER FEATURE INCORPORATED into the film is that of the work turned in by Allen Jenkins as "Car-Barn" the Boxer. He provides so much of the genuine screen laughs even though his part was that of a second banana funny man. So much of the comic business was done by Frank McHugh.

BUT IT CAN be said that Mr. Jenkins really did have the "Last Laugh"; that coming in the final fade-out Knowing how to end a comedy is a most important skill. If not handled properly it can greatly diminish a film's effectiveness.

WHILE THIS FILM is certainly not any that the American Film Institute will be honoring with an inclusion on one of their Top 100 lists, it is still worth viewing; as it does a fine job of showcasing early Cagney, de Havilland & O'Brien work.

NOTE: * The term "Narrow Back" is slang used by native born Irish to describe one of us born here in the USA> (Origin unknown).
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