From the Dark (2014)
Not great, but not bad at all
20 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm making an account just to rate this movie. I don't get why this movie has such low ratings. It's really not that bad of a movie, and I think people should give it a chance.

I'm going to spoil some stuff of the movie. Nothing important, but you've been warned.

The story is pretty straightforward and nothing mind blowing. A couple who's road tripping through the country side has problems with their cars and they have to look for help. They end up in the house of some poor bastard who just awakened an old vampire, by removing the wooden stake that it had in its body.

The vampire in this story resembles that of Nosferatu, at least in appearance. We have a bald, ancient looking creature that walks slowly yet has significant strength. Another curious thing, it's afraid of every source of light and not only the sun. I believe mentioning the nature of the creature is important because it ties with the setting and tone of the movie. This is not a classic horror/slasher movie with your big cast of teens who are gonna get laid and get picked up one at a time in stupid ways. This is a slow movie, with only two protagonists and almost no dialogue. The vampire doesn't run fast, or screams, or flies. It's just there, being a constant menace to our characters, looking for a chance to attack. Some people will complain and call it unrealistic but I like how, for once, we have competent characters. Even if their actions and decisions aren't right every time, they adapt and think logically and actually try to survive. A nice change of pace.

Anyway, I could keep going but there's no point. This isn't a perfect movie. It has some flaws, some of the characters might have been TOO stoic and calm in some situations, and it might come as boring to some. But I think it's a good movie, different to most horror flicks, yet still being a "monster movie". Give it a chance, because you might just like it, like I did. Best than most of the garbage you find in the horror genre.
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