Boardwalk Empire: Acres of Diamonds (2013)
Season 4, Episode 3
Love Laughs At Willie Thompson
3 February 2016
I thought Season Four of BOARDWALK EMPIRE was off to a strong start, especially with the African American characters taking greater prominence and some very violent and exciting sexual machinations going on behind the scenes at Chalky White's club.

Then came this episode, and all of a sudden BOARDWALK EMPIRE is like an old, really bad, Andy Hardy movie. Lame teenagers getting drunk for no reason. Endless teen whining about dad being mean.

Willie Thompson: "Gee, I've just got to get some booze for the party! I can make out with all the girls if I just have enough booze!"

Instead of moping around the family farm, why can't Richard Harrow come back to town and kill all the whiny teens?

Meanwhile, Chalky's new nemesis Dr. Libya, is like something out of Marvel Comics. "I am the evil Dr. Libya. I am an educated black man who wants to take over the world!" Gee, racist script much? Who wrote this tripe, a repressed, closet racist Catholic from Boston?

No, it was award-winning mystery writer Dennis Lehane!
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