Destination Moonbase-Alpha (1978 TV Movie)
Incoherent mish-mash
9 January 2016
Never having seen any of the original TV episodes of Destination Moonbase-Alpha, I found this mish-mash of a "movie", assembled from two of the TV episodes, difficult to follow as I seldom knew which characters were on the side of the goodies and which were the baddies, and in my opinion the whole thing was an incoherent mess and total nonsense.

I found the abrupt join between the two episodes extremely disconcerting; the one didn't seem to have anything to do with the other. I would have preferred to have watched the episodes separately, as they were of course originally intended to be watched.

I can suspend my disbelief enough to accept that a spaceship can travel very much faster than the speed of light – this is science fiction, after all – and the monsters didn't look too unconvincing, but I can't give it more than one star.
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