Offspring (2009)
Boring... Ghastly... Snoozefest...
31 December 2015
The DVD box cover for "Offspring" brandishes 'brutal... gruesome... shocking'. I wonder if whomever at who wrote this actually watched the same movie as I have watched. Because this movie was anything but those three things.

The story is about a clan of flesh-eating cave-dwelling savages whom prey upon people in Dead River, Maine.

Right... This storyline was so fundamentally ridiculous that I gave up on the movie after 35 minutes and stopped it to watch something else. So the audience is to believe that in this day and age that flesh-eating savages still exist and roam the hillsides? And better yet, they are smart enough to use modern day tools and cover up their private parts because this is what their lack of exposure to society and mannerism has taught them. Right...

The whole concept of the movie was ludicrous, and was delivered by the actors and actresses with no conviction, which just made it even more difficult to buy into the story and the world that director Andrew Van Den Houten was trying to sell with "Offspring".

This movie will quietly go to die on the DVD shelf, never to see the light of day again. This was without a doubt one of the worst movies that I have stumbled upon.
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