Grandfathered (2015–2016)
16 December 2015
If I could use one word to describe or review this show it would be "charming". A lot of it is taken care of if you cast a 1 or 2 year old cute girl as one of your major characters. But the dialogue, pacing and execution is just perfect with this one. Performances are superb; especially from Brewster and Stamos. This TV show ticks all the boxes for a sitcom and then some. There is a genuine chemistry between various pairs and even the sidelined characters (like the chefs and junior working in the kitchen) have enough quirky characteristics of their own. What I like about this show is that there is no scope for nonsense since the actual duration of each episode is around 22 minutes. Every scene is efficiently executed and there really are no boring sub-tracks and side stories. This is an advantage as well as a drawback. Since we are just about 9 episodes in this show, it is good to have a focused track. Let's see how the limited bunch of characters hold our attention once the first season is over and whether they need to introduce more characters to ensure that the jokes/gags don't feel repetitive. Overall, Grandfathered is a fun experience. Go for it!
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