Christmas Incorporated (2015 TV Movie)
Cringe worthy and awful
25 November 2015
I'm only three quarters through this movie and it is so unbelievably awful I had to immediately get on here to vent. I don't even get excited anymore when a newly released Hallmark movie is announced because I'm finding that they are mostly not good, just poorly rehashed, poorly acted, poorly directed versions of the ones that came before.

Let me be clear that I don't expect a whole lot from this type of movie, they are after all meant to be light, feel good romances. My idea of a good one is The Nine Lives of Christmas for an example of how I'm not that picky.

Christmas, inc. is a travesty throughout, completely unrealistic scene after scene, and absolutely no chemistry between the leads. She acted and spoke like an over eager teenager and he seemed very awkward and uncomfortable. I've seen him before and he wasn't bad so maybe it was this particular role he had to play.

Just skip this one unless you have a couple of hours to waste.
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