400 Days (2015)
Surprisingly good...
2 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
!!!Spoilers!!! So keep in mind I watched this movie with a 3 out 10 alcoholic buzz. I think that's what affects this review for the better.

So after watching the trailer for this movie, I was excited to see what it was really about. The trailer really set it up to be an exciting thriller.

So as I was watching this, there were a few questions that popped into my mind.

Q1. What's really going on here? Are they really doing this exercise or is it made up.

A1. The female doctor keeps injecting them with "Immune system boosters" but you never see here taking them at all. Is she drugging them? I did feel like this movie kept the characters in a ship underground. I never suspected that they left earth at all.

Q2. What's up with the moon? Is it gone or not? and if so, why, when it shows the moon, does it look like there is an icy glaze on the sky obscuring the moon from sight.

A2. This was a serious plot hole in the story. You never get a definitive yes or no on what's going on and the whole movie you are just watching events unfold for the sheer sake of watching it. Due to my buzz, It was easily overlooked. And for there to be moon dust all over the ground is confusing now that I think back on it. Moon dust travelled that far in space and settled on the earth. How does this deplete oxygen and how are people still living in that town if this is the case.

Q3. WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE ENDING?! A3. The ending leads you to believe that it was all in their head the whole time. Because when the hatch opens up, sunlight comes through when only seconds ago, there was no sunlight at all. There had to have been 4 people the whole movie, otherwise the 2 survivors would have been crazy the entire film even before going into the ship. You never know what happens to the other 2. You are led to believe that they were killed off but you never actually see the act itself.

Note: Tom Cavanagh (<- Think I misspelled his name.) Superb performance as a villain. He has garnered a lot of attention since his role as a villain on the TV show "The Flash" and he definitely goes down in my book as a great actor. He was probably the best thing about this movie if you ask me.

All in all, I watched this movie start to finish with an overall good feeling despite all the 1.0 reviews. There are a lot of plot holes and unanswered questions but I think having those questions in the back of my mind is what kept me watching despite the fact they never got answered. Would I recommend this movie? Yes, watch it one time at least. I might not go back and watch it again, its worth 1 watch, then forget about it.
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