Review of Lessons

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Lessons (2002)
Season 7, Episode 1
I liked it!
19 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I found the other reviews interesting, because I quite liked this episode. Most of the other reviews went on to talk about how they felt about this whole season, rather than just this episode, and I guess that affected how they rated it. Which is fine, but not how I would think of it. So I haven't seen the rest of the season and don't know what's to come. But this is what I thought of this episode as is.

Randomly: I assume future episodes will explain that girl who gets kidnapped at the beginning? Because we don't go back to it the rest of the episode and that threw me off a bit. I like that Buffy is teaching Dawn how to hunt/protect herself. I don't like Dawn much, but she's well old enough now. Hopefully this will make her whine less, too. I like Willow training with Giles in England. He's kind of her Watcher now, and she's in recovery from everything that happened, and he's a good guy. I don't know, something about their scenes were just very pleasing to me.

Mostly I thought it was fun that they brought back some of the people who died when Buffy was in high school, by showing them angry in the school that's now been rebuilt. They're understandably angry; a lot of people died during Buffy's time at Sunnydale High. I don't blame Buffy - you really can't save them all - but I get why they would. I think this in combination with showing all the different Big Bads to Spike at the end was a really fun way of making a callback to the previous seasons. I don't know if they went into this season knowing it would be the last, but I thought it was fitting that the last season started with reminding us of the things that have happened in the previous six seasons.

I'm not saying it was the best episode of BtVS ever or anything, but I thought it was a good one.
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