Review of Ca$h

Ca$h (2010)
Every cent due
1 October 2015
The film looks like a cheap knock off of The Desperate Hours with hints of dark comedy and cheap racism. Just look at the way the Sikh character is treated and even Glenn the Plumber.

Sam Phelan (Chris Hemsworth) and his wife Leslie (Victoria Profeta) are facing debt problems. While driving his old Buick a case full of money lands on his bonnet. With this windfall they quit their jobs, pay their debts off, buy a fancy car and things for their house.

Pyke Kubic (Sean Bean) comes to town from the UK to help out his twin brother, Reese who was involved in the robbery and threw the money over before he was arrested. Reese remembers what kind of car it landed on.

Pyke traces Sam and retrieves what is left of the money. However through threats, psychological and physical, he also wants the seventy four thousand dollars that the couple have spent.

The film has an off beat premise has first Pyke traces the culprit by finding out who purchased an expensive car with cash. Once he finds Sam, he makes the couple retrieve the cash before he decides he wants to them to pay back every cent.

The film was made before Hemsworth bulked up as Thor as Sam is rather bland although Profeta is very mouthy as his irate wife. Bean keeps things interesting as the smart villain who can get very nasty but the film goes off the rails as the couple end up robbing liquor stores to make up the shortfall. Surely Pyke would had realised he would had lost everything if he had got caught with them.

The film looks too much like a straight to DVD movie, rather cheaply made and even though offbeat its only mildly interesting.
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