Another Me (2013)
It was sincerely that bad
10 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I get the concept of Doppelgangers, like 1997's Pafekuto Buru (Perfect Blue), and it's sort of inspired American Adaptation Black Swan.

I get the concept of missing siblings as in like The Tale Of Two Sisters, Uninvited, The Unborn.

And this movie tried (and failed amazingly) to use these concepts to sell a horror-like thriller, but the result was a very predictable, horrible, boring movie.

It's not like these concepts were badly executed is that the movie is painfully draggy, like every scene seems to last 2 hrs longer than it actually does. A bit of a more character developing, a more emotionally deep relationship of Faye and her boyfriend, a deeper rivalry with her competitor... even a flying dog for god's sakes... ANYTHING to turn this slow-slow paced movie into something not boring as in "what the hell was I thinking watching this?" boring.

A great cast, great performances (with the little they were given), great photography, and a mediocre underdeveloped ghost story that wouldn't frighten or even surprise a kitten.

Avoid at all cost.
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