Breaking Bad: Live Free or Die (2012)
Season 5, Episode 1
Life after Gus
19 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Gus may be dead but that doesn't mean life is going to be easy for chemistry teacher turned drug producer Walter White. As brother in law Hank and his DEA colleagues sift through the remains of the burnt out meth lab Walter suddenly remembers something… Gus had cameras everywhere; if the police get to the recordings on Gus's laptop before he does it will all be over for Walter, Jesse and Mike. Mike is not pleased to see Walter again but Jesse insists on hearing him out. A phone call confirms that the authorities have indeed secured Gus's laptop but have yet to examine it. Mike is all for running before it is examined but Walter has another idea; he wants to destroy it while it is still in the evidence locker. They discuss methods for doing this and eventually Jesse comes up with an idea; destroy is with a magnet… of course it will have to be a very big magnet! Meanwhile Ted Beneke has woken from his coma leading to a visit from Skyler who is assured that he won't talk.

Having not watched the show for a couple of years I was worried I might have difficulty getting back into it but that wasn't a problem. While no time is wasted bringing viewers up to date the story is so strong that I was immediately brought back in.

After the drama of the previous episode this is somewhat quieter although it still manages to keep the tension high and even add a touch of humour. Bryan Cranston excels as Walter White; thanks to his performance this dangerous character is not unlikeable. Aaron Paul does a fine job as Jesse; it made a great change to have this character come up with the 'science solution' rather than Walter; a sign of how the character has matured over the course of the series. Jonathan Banks is as menacing as an angry rattlesnake as Mike and Bob Odenkirk brings a touch of lightness to proceedings as lawyer Saul Goodman. The highlight of the episode was undoubtedly the scene where they use the giant magnet on the police evidence room; an original and entertaining way to deal with a problem. Overall this was a fine introduction to the final season that reminded me just how good 'Breaking Bad' is. I can't wait to see how the rest of the series proceeds; the opening flash-forward opening certainly suggests we will get a spectacular finale.
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