Review of Taxi

Taxi (III) (2015)
Good watch, slightly disappointed
18 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Of course, it is a special feat in itself that a director banned from making movies has yet made another movie and has smuggled it out of Teheran in order to show us what life in Iran is like. Unfortunately, this in itself is not enough to give this film a high rating or enjoy it thoroughly.

The film is funny at times, but perhaps not as funny as I suspected from all the trailers. The passengers are quite obviously all actors (which is understandable considering the political situation in Iran) and the stories they tell appear to be all invented.

The invented story lines and actors however sometimes failed to captivate me. I was intrigued by the dash cam at first, but started feeling slightly bored about 40 minutes into the film. This is a good piece of art by a great artist, but it is unfortunately far from brilliant.
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