Everly (2014)
31 May 2015
This film really wasn't all that good. From seeing the trailer I thought it was going to be a halfway decent film especially with Selma Hayek being the main star but I was wrong. The idea of the story was simple but someone with pretty good script writing skills would have made this a good film. For example, "The Raid: Redemption" was similar to this but that was a very good film. Not saying that the writer of this film isn't talented but it could have been better. Some of the action scenes were good but it just wasn't enough to make it the kind of film I would sit down and watch again, like "The Raid: Redemption". Other than the few cool action scenes in this film everything else kind of fell flat, the acting, the plot, the actor's lines, and etc. As bad as this film is there is one good thing about it, If you're a Selma Hayek fan it's worth sitting through.
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