Found-footage Horror 101 - Other movies, take notes.
4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one I was excited for. The found-footage genre has been on life support for a while now but this one had a cool premise in a great setting - the catacombs. Seriously, that alone makes the movie worth a watch if you're a horror fan. The unsettling atmosphere, the claustrophobia, the creepy imagery, all while delving deeper and deeper into the Earth.

I feel like this is a no brainer but if you're not a found-footage horror fan then you won't like this one. You've seen it all before and this is no different. All the usual plot devices and tropes that come along with the genre are here - it's just executed with finesse. The setting has a lot to do with it: It sets up the tone of the movie and keeps that ominous vibe present throughout. There aren't many surprises to be found here. It's a found-footage movie so it takes a little while to get going, but once it hits its stride it becomes a truly exciting adventure to be on. You really get the first person feel in this movie. They don't need excuses to be documenting this - they're explorers. We're just watching what they saw. That little sense of believability goes a long way in helping the movie's credibility and effectiveness.

There are few actual scares in As Above So Below. It has an atmosphere similar to The Descent and keeps the slow eerie pace throughout the first two acts of the film. That in my opinion is the greatest strength of this film, and any others of its ilk - the focus on atmosphere rather than shock horror or jump scares. In the third act, sh*t starts to go down, and it goes down big time. It's not anything spectacular, none of the film is honestly, but I was satisfied at the end of this movie and that's more than I can say about a lot of the found-footage movies I've seen recently.

A pleasant surprise in horror is good acting, and this movie thrives on it. Even though it takes a while for the movie to kick off, it's fun being introduced to these characters and starting this adventure with them because they are convincing in their roles and they actually have personality. You can identify with the two leads - one is the ambitious adventurer, the other is the neurotic realist. Then there's the eccentric and unreliable "tour guide" that introduces them on this hellish quest. It's just a lot of fun to be a part of this journey because none of us know what will be waiting for us on the other side.

Overall this is just a well made found-footage movie. It has the chills, it has the thrills, and the added bonuses of good acting and an excellent premise. Horror fans will certainly get a kick out of it, and even if you're just looking for a midnight creep movie then As Above, So Below will not disappoint.
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