Review of Biology 101

Biology 101 (2013)
Say cheese!
22 April 2015
If you like soft porn (without the porn), this is the movie for you. Terrible acting, terrible script. Granted, not "all" of the acting was "terrible", but the acting that wasn't terrible, wasn't great. The acting that wasn't terrible might have been better with a better script and better directing. The plot was the only thing that this movie had going for it that even resembled something good. "Great" idea, extremely poor execution. With better acting, and something to work with, this might have been a good movie. With a couple of decent cameras, and a little extra money, I guess anyone can make a movie. Not saying I could do any better (never really tried), but if I couldn't do better than that, I wouldn't waste my time. I guess the up side is, at least "they" tried...or did they? Who knows, they may have gotten out of bed one morning and said "Hey, let's make a movie".
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