Tesla doesn't deserve the credit for the great innovations of radio.....(Spoilers)
10 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
.....anymore than Benjamin Franklin could have. Discovering that arcing electricity created "static" is an even more feeble claim to genius than DeForest's extremely slippery claim to truly understanding his own detector. Armstrong's the REAL genius, and no amount of Rock Band/pop culture political/historical revisionism will change this fact. Tesla was cheated. (Not as unjustly as Armstrong was, by a FAR cry.) But he well and truly lost his marbles and everybody who had dealings with him knew it. That's an appealing anti-hero narrative for a world looking for "magic" answers. Pop culture has found him to be an appealing eccentric to hang their hopes on. But there are NO secrets of AC or DC transmission of power that have been "hidden" or hijacked. It's (just) another of the "mysticism alternative" conspiracy theories that were played like a harp by conjectural TV script writers like Chris Carter. Great Entertainment. Bad Science. Ken Burns got this one, RIGHT. I wish I could say the same for "Jazz".
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