Pet Semetary Redux
2 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen Pet Semetary you've seen this movie. An animal dies and is then reincarnated but something is different and evil about the resurrected. I'm not really sure why the two resurrected aren't allies. It could have improved the story. I would say more about the superhuman powers and how they did not fit into the plot but I have to admit to missing some of the middle of the show. Even at 87 minutes boredom set in and I found myself dozing on occasion. I don't think I missed anything crucial which doesn't say much for the plot. It may not be terrible but it is far from good. I've seen worse this year (Taken 3 and Into the Woods to name two of the worst). The acting is OK, the effects OK, they actually manage to build a bit of suspense in on occasion but overall the movie is utterly predictable and fails as a horror movie. It would have been much better to make this movie the first twenty minutes of another movie and go for a Pet Semetary meets Invasion of the body snatchers. Add a bit of Signs and make the newly resurrected vulnerable to grape NEHI and now you've got a comedic/horror that might play :). Even though the end wasn't bad it was pretty obvious it was a set up for a sequel and that would be a huge mistake
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