Weak film about a special breed of car drivers
22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It seems as if 1991 was the year for manta movies in Germany. The more famous won stars Til Schweiger, while this one here has Sebastian Rudolph in the lead role. All in all, I would not say that this was worse. But that does not mean much as both films were fairly weak. One main difference is that the central character here first has to become a manta lover and is strictly against that lifestyle early on. The woman he desires (a hairdresser again of course, played by Nadeshda Brennicke) hates mantas too, so that does not really help either. Quite superficial actually that she refuses to be with him because of his car. Dieter Pfaff, Jochen Nickel, Ralf Richter and Helge Schneider have small roles as well.

Sadly, not only the final race is fairly uninteresting and did not work for me as the highlight of the film, but also the final scene is beyond cheesy and same can be said for most of the script sadly. A similarity to the Schweiger film is that there are manta driver jokes from start to finish, but this film here centers really only on one character while in the other movie also some of the other characters get a story line (Michael Kessler for example). The music is fairly disappointing. The rhymes don't get beyond the level of panther-manta. It's not even so bad that it's funny. Just plain bad. And why does everybody act as if manta drivers were the scum of the earth? Not recommended. Unless you really love your manta, that is. But these are quite extinct by now, I believe.
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