Just an OK comedy romance
21 February 2015
Barbara Stanwyck and Herbert Marshall had some fine movie performances to their credit when they starred in "Breakfast for Two." Stanwyck was one of the best actresses at the time, equally at home with mysteries, drama, and comedy. She especially excelled in the latter. While he did some comedies, Marshall was more known and regarded for his dramatic works. Some of his comedies were quite good, but others not so. This isn't one of his good roles. It may not be all his fault though. The idea for the plot is a good one, but the screenplay doesn't pull it off well. For instance, Marshall's Jonathan Blair changes so suddenly from his devil-may-care attitude and disinterest in his business, to one of protecting the family tradition that it just isn't believable. The directing and film editing likely played a hand in this as well. There were other little things that didn't quite ring true with Blair's character. He wakes with a hangover after sleeping on a couch. Yet his clothes are neat as can be and not a tussle of his hair appears out of place. He doesn't act like he has a hangover.

Stanwyck's Valentine Ransome is excellent. No more needs to be said about her. There are a couple of very hilarious scenes in the film, but not much witty dialog. Eric Blore and Donald Meek give good performances to enhance the movie. No one can play a butler so amusingly as Eric Blore. His part as Butch is big enough that it helps Stanwyck carry the film.

"Breakfast for Two" isn't full of laughs, but it's a light comedy that most should enjoy. Stanwyck has a large portfolio of very good films, so this isn't one I would keep in my library.
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