Pretty Much a Live-Action Cartoon
24 December 2014
So maybe I'm just an old out-of-touch crank. Everyone on IMDb loves this movie. My kids and their friends enjoyed it, and made me sit through it twice on two different Christmases.

But I have to say it: I thought this movie was terrible. And I don't mean, "Not as good as everyone says." I mean, if you tied me up and made me watch this movie again, inside of an hour I'd give you anything you wanted to let me go.

Based on this film, the secret to creating a movie classic appears to be: Write a series of disjointed, semi-humorous vignettes about a group of largely unlikeable one-dimensional characters, hire a bunch of loud hammy over-actors to gesticulate wildly and shout most of their lines, narrate it with the most punchable voice I've ever heard, and tie it all very loosely to a Christmas theme.

If your idea of a good time is watching some poor kid get his tongue stuck on a iced pole and getting it partially ripped open, or an obnoxious little kid repeatedly smash his face into a plate of food while snorting like a pig, or a loud buffoonish father threaten to forcibly cram the food down the kid's mouth, this may be the movie for you. And don't even get me started on the leg lamp.

But do yourself a favor: Before you watch it, go to the Quotes section of the Christmas Story IMDb web site, and see if you find any of the quotes from this movie remotely witty or funny. I don't. But maybe you will.

BOTTOM LINE: This movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be Prairie Home Companion or National Lampoon's Vacation, so it tried for a 50/50 mix. Apparently this was a winning formula. Just not for me.
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