Review of Gravity

Gravity (2013)
A sci-fi thriller that doubles as film art
8 December 2014
I didn't know how to start this review. I thought I hate Sandra Bullock was a bit too harsh. Even though it's not far from the truth. Then I came up with I'm a movie hipster sometimes. But I've done that before. What could entice some to read this? I think I have your attention now with my honesty. I could go into my hearing about Gravity and then the trailers not doing it for me. Which is also true. But I haven't seen an Alfonso Cuaron film I didn't love. I'm not saying I loved Gravity. It was better than I expect. And a side note that come to play later, the ending was spoiled for me.

The film follows an American crew in space as they do what astronauts do, do experiments and fix equipment. Chaos ensues when debris from a Russian satellite shoots their way. The crew scramble to find a way back to earth before the debris comes in contact with their ship. No spoilers, that is the plot of the entire film.

These astronauts are dealing with a catastrophe in space. A movie like this in just about anyone else's hands would have a slow burn bore. Alfonso Cuaron doesn't make boring films. The man is an artist behind the lens. The first shot of the film last fifteen minutes long. It goes places I've never seen done in a sci-fi film. He comes up some ingenious angles and trickery.

This is the first time that I can fully say the general movie going audience got it right. This is a movie that should make $200 million dollars or more. It's art at it's core. A small story about two people deal with adverse conditions trying not to die. The way the film is shot is unreal. The only sounds are voice and music. There is no sound in space. And I love sci-fi films in space shot that way.

Cuaron puts the audience in space for 90 minutes. And I would happily go back. He pulls out great performances from Clooney and Bullock. Clooney is a bona fide movie star. He brings charisma and gravitas to nearly every role he takes. He plays the grizzled veteran so well. The story he tells at the start of the film makes me feel like I was there in space with them. It sucked me into his character and placed the tension high.

I could watch a whole film with his character just telling stories. Bullock plays the rookie medical examiner on her first mission. Even not being a fan of hers you get why she's an Oscar winning actress. She goes through a range of emotions throughout the film that any less of an actress would haves failed early. But Cuaron makes sure we are on board with these characters before it hits the fan.

What makes the film standout for me is the tension. I had the ending spoiled for me two weeks before I got to the sit down with the film. By the end of the film my nerves were shot and my hands clammy. That's what I call captivating your audience. The film looks so vivid and smooth. Cuaron is auteur and we should all celebrate his being on this planet. I can't wait for this man to take over the world with his film. I could only imagine what he could do with the horror drama or a superhero film. I'm still blown away about what a fantastic piece of art this film was.
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