How dare people waste 80m of another person's life!
15 November 2014
I believe in karma.

I sincerely believe that both the producer and director of this cheap, low budget, effects-skimping, Blair-Witch-style, horror fan deluding, intelligence-insulting piece of garbage will have 80 minutes chopped off the end of their lives.

1. A shaky camera is NOT scary. 2. A flash of this and that (where you can't decipher anything) is NOT scary. 3. Lights going on and off are NOT scary. 4. Odd noises are NOT scary.

The person who made the DVD cover pic should be sued in court for false misrepresentation. It is downright DISHONEST to have that pic!

I refuse to believe that this film cost more than 50 dollars all told, to make.

Shameful. Disgraceful. Criminal.
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