Wolf Creek 2 (2013)
Entertaining grisly drive-in style horror from the land of Oz
15 November 2014
(62%)Claims made by certain folk that this is an unnecessary sequel appear to be forgetting the fact that by and large all sequels, especially horror sequels, are unnecessary cash-ins on a successful production, and this is no different. The original was a slow burn grisly low budget shocker with a great panic stricken sense of hopelessness from a serial-killer who always appeared to be one step ahead of his prey whilst they trespass on his turf. While the sequel is a bit more of the same only with a swifter pace, and a slightly lighter tone. There's also quite a bit more car chasers, and a degree more humour from the great John Jarratt's character who turns somewhat similar to Freddy Krueger with his perverted view of the world and intense wickedness making this more of a exploitation drive-in movie than the original's softly approach into terror. The movie does twist and turn as it goes along, although most will have some sort of idea what's coming next, but this is still a very entertaining watch with some great gore effects and a good number of dark comedic one-liners. Even if this is a slightly different beast to the original, it's still as welcome addition, and a good slice of bloody outback horror in its own right.
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