Pegasus Vs. Chimera (2012 TV Movie)
A waste of everyone's time
28 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Before this current digital age came to being the only way to film something was to actually spend some film on it. You know, the light- sensitive tape, exposed image by image, and then edited and cut with scissors and a carpet knife. If you wanted special effects, now taken for granted, it was arduous work. And all this cost money. The more film you spent shooting, the less you had budget left to work with.

Now with everything being digital, shooting film doesn't have to cost anything after the initial purchase of the equipment. For some (I'm looking at you, SyFy) it seems to work as an excuse to churn out intolerable amounts of garbage. What used to be a waste of perfectly fine film and thus money nowadays amounts only to wasted hard drive space.

This assumption could not be further from the truth. A film like Pegasus Vs. Chimera proves that there still are cases were no excuses are good enough. Here's a spiteful little take on the movie in question:

  • Knowing the location of the rec-button and having the skill to apply enough pressure on it to make the camera record does NOT mean any commendable camera work is taking place. - Reading through the lines given to you while wearing a costume given to you does NOT mean any acting is taking place. - Making the background music louder and shaking the camera does NOT equal exciting action, no matter what they say in the Michael Bay Film School

I had a few more points written down but I think all of us get the picture by now.

Sincerely, if you (SyFy) want to make a movie, understand this: no cgi, no fantastic setting, nor sword-fighting make compelling film. What this purest cross-breed of art and entertainment business needs to tick either one of its' parents' boxes is sincerity, some spirit, some feel, enthusiasm and a hint of vision. I may have forgotten to list some here, but what all of them have in common is that none of them can be bought, so budget restraints are no excuse.

Pegasus Vs. Chimera has nothing going for it. I wish I could have some of that healing Pegasus blood, so I could wash all those responsible for this flick clean.

Yet, I forgive you. It was I who chose to waste my time watching this steaming pile of you-know-what. Now I write this as a warning to any potential viewer before I willingly push this film out of my brain and forget.
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