26 September 2014
This film has more holes in it than a chunk of swiss cheese and it still worked because it had the best theme music ever recorded and the dude playing Shaft is charismatic & good looking. The issue of female circumcision is mentioned by a black African woman who is westernized but wants to "embrace the ways of her ancestors" and enter into a 'relationship of honor where there would be no sex involved.' I find that a really unnecessary nod to ways that are best forgotten as they are essentially disgusting practices-that have been forced on young women in Africa who suffered because of it in the modern era. Shaft casually used the F bomb to talk about the sex act which is very tacky. Only sh*** use that kind of language in todays world-sh*** and hookers with really low IQ's. Towards the end of the film a guy with a submachine gun misses Shaft who is standing in the open not 30 feet away from him. Can you say there's no way that would happen in real life-yes-I knew you could. Plus some white guy has dark makeup all over his face to play the part of some white guy who has lived in Addis Ababa a long time-yet he also appears later in the film as a bad guy sans dark makeup. Kinda wonky. The issue that the film talk about via its plot is modern slavery-kudos for talking about some serious sh** no kudos for doing it such a f***** up way that it really does't mean a whole lot. It was made ages ago. So who cares. Maybe its still worth 'discussing' somewhere-like here. I think people liked it because it was Shaft but I also think it not a very good film.
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