The Blacklist: The Stewmaker (No. 161) (2013)
Season 1, Episode 4
The greatest contribution Thomas Harris...
14 September 2014
.... made to the evolution of suspense fiction (in his Silence of the Lamb series) was when he explored for the first time in modern fiction not the depths of evil (been done before) but rather what happens when, for a brief moment in time, you have "turnabout;" you have that force used for (briefly) good.

One can argue that the entire premise of Blacklist is a riff on this theme -- and the notion is fundamentally correct -- but this episode is the first in the series to bite down and take it to the gristle.

Just as Hannibal saves Starling from certain death, here Spader's character saves Lizzy from a similar fate. And it is done as well as, if not better than, the film version.

No mean feat, that.
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