Review of Game

Game (I) (2011)
Great Plot...poor execution
14 September 2014
Sometimes Bollywood has some good stories to tell. However, most directors mess up the story. Game is one of those films with a good plot but poor story telling.

Game starts off brilliantly. A billionaire invites 4 people to his island. One is going to be the future PM of Thailand. The 2nd a Turkish drug lord. 3rd..a successful Bollywood actor. And, finally 4th, a woman journalist. Each are connected in some way to the billionaire's illegitimate daughter who is dead. And he wants revenge from the 3 men. But the twist is that the billionaire is found dead next morning. Who killed him is the crux ?

However, it is from this point that the movie collapses so badly that actors like Bachchan, Ranaut, Shergill and Irani can't save this film. From Kher's revenge story, it becomes Bachchan's revenge story. The big twist of Bachchan as an under cover Interpol officer falls flat.

And the biggest weak link is the casting of Sarah Dias as the main lead. She is a very pretty lady in spite of her dusky complexion. But man she can't act. You don't fell sorry for her at all.

The performances are average. Bachchan and Ranaut try to look cool as cops but don't have the charisma to pull it off in this flick. The rest of the cast is serviceable.

I suggest that this movie should be shown in film schools across the world for film students to learn how not to waste a good story.
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