Descent into mediocrity
24 August 2014
AASB starts off interestingly enough but looses itself shortly after it enters the Parisian catacombs. The "R" rating is meant to attract teenagers, not to tell adults this creation is targeted at them.

As this film progresses you will repeatedly swap incomprehension with boredom. What little acting there is holds barely in one hand due to the flagrant inexperience of the cast (which could be forgiven and I wish them luck). You will spend more time asking yourself how the makers thought they would get away with recycling the sets over and over with hardly any decent special or sound effects considering the subject matter or horror genre. This third rate movie was made on a shoestring budget and it shows. AASB is unfortunately not worth seeing at full ticket price. You might make better use of the money by having a cocktail or lunch somewhere.

When the end credits roll right after the expected unsatisfying ending, you will head for the exit wondering with incredulity what you've just seen and cry over the 93 minutes of your life you will never get back. My date suggested we should ask for our money back… it was that bad, consider yourself warned. (We didn't ask for our money back, we were that generous in these difficult times.)
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