3 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a beautiful movie. The images of the landscapes of the American West are incredibly evocative. I loved the frequent cuts to fields of corn, flocks of birds, and sweeping vistas. It puts the human drama in perspective and also creates a simply wonderful sense of place that is too often missing from movies.

The story itself isn't anything special. It's basically a love triangle with a beautiful woman at its centre, with themes of poverty, power and companionship ably interwoven. It inevitably ends in tragedy. To be honest it was too predictable a plot and too slow-moving to really get me excited.

The performances were very good. Richard Gere, Brooke Adams and Sam Shepard are superb as the central trio, Here in particular. But Linda Manz rather steals the show as the child star narrator who seems to have a more healthy dose of pragmatism and fatalism than the rest of them put together.

In summary a simply gorgeous film, well put together but with a plot that rather plods along. I'd watch it again, but for the visuals not the story.
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