Review of Loha

Loha (1997)
27 June 2014
This was the first Kanti Shah film that i watched and understood his style of making off beat exploitation films which later earned him the reputation of B grade "so bad that so good" filmmaker. Back in those days it was hard to differentiate between a mainstream film and a supposedly B grade flick due to lack of awareness in the media,. My grandfather who was an ardent fan of Dharam ji rented this film for 40 rupees back in the year 2000.Thankfully i didn't sat along with him to watch the film and decided to catch it later on. I was surprised and bewildered with the film's amateurish plot, intentional non linear flow of horrendous scenes and abysmal dialogues which intrigued me to watch the entire movie. In a nutshell the film induces elements of violence and sex and exploits them in a no holds barred manner that doesn't shies away from ignoring the principles of movie making and script. The travesty lies in the biased and motivated portrayal of women as underrated when they are raped in full public view and the extensive use of innuendos in dialogues that are directed towards the morals and ethics of being an women. Of the cast Dharam ji and Mithun da deliver a convincing performance , Mohan joshi as the Mafia don "Luka" is okay , the rest of the cast is routine in the form of corrupt police officials and politicians. The reason why i rated the film so high despite having such serious flaws is that it doesn't fails to keep u engrossed till the very end which definitely isn't an easy task. There are moments of "Laugh Out Loud " in an unintentional humor which are in my understanding epic , serious geographical errors when the villain is chased down by the hero, laughable cast as henchmen who appear to ave been picked up on the street just because they are dark and appear as goons, in one particular scene Dharam ji is hit by a bullet which he collects in his palm at ease as it fails to penetrate his tissue probably because Dharam ji happens to have "Iron limb". With these scenes the film neither qualifies as kitsch nor a film it's just a time pass entertainer with leave your brains at home declaration.
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