The Walking Dead: Cherokee Rose (2011)
Season 2, Episode 4
Another Satisfying Episode!
1 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is the fourth episode in the second season of Walking Dead and it happens to be a good experience. It's light on the action, but heavy on the drama. The only action involving a walker is the best part of this episode and is actually pretty funny and rather disgusting. I also must credit the make-up work on this particular walker, because it look very revolting.

In this episode, "Cherokee Rose," Carl is now recovering from his wound, so the emphasis goes back to finding Sophia. At the Herschel residence, their water well has been contaminated by a walker, so the gang tries to figure out how to get rid of it.

Overall, this is an excellent episode and I'm surprised that people found this disappointing. There's not much action, but the drama scenes are nothing to be scoffed at. There's even a little romance involved, so that's good to watch. As usual, an excellent cliffhanger this time revolving around Lori. I rate this episode 9/10.
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