Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013 Video Game)
Bland singleplayer, poor multiplayer and half-decent extinction (though not half-decent enough to redeem this game)
3 May 2014
I would just like to say before I begin that i am not one of those people who go around reviewing everything one star and writing comments like OMG DIS GAME SOOO BAD YO. I am a long time Call of Duty Player and have been playing since Cod 4.

I guess I'll start with the singleplayer. For those who don't know, this game is set 10 years after a war where the South Americans took control of America and parts of the World. You play as a a small group of Freedom Fighters (see: terrorists) called the ghosts. You also have a dog though you wouldn't know it because he only appears in 1 mission. The plot is lacking. A lot. Now I'm the sort have person who can forgive this as long as the gameplay is fun but this just isn't. Here is the basic layout of each mission: Walk to point a. Killed wave and bad guys. Walk to point b. Kill wave of bad guys. Walk to point c. Kill wave of bad guys. View something that is supposed to further the story and make you hate the antagonist. End of mission. I think I've covered the story. Moving on...

Multiplayer. The Basics: If you are new to the series, the multiplayer is 8v8 matches on maps set across the globe. There are multiple gamemodes like team deathmatch (first team to 75 kills win), Domination (capturing and holding flags earns points, first to 200 wins), Free-For-All (Every man for himself. first to 30) and a few others. Getting kills earns EXP. Getting enough EXP. levels you up. You can then unlock guns. not much has changed since before apart from the addition of squad points. They're basically CoD points from BO but they now apply to everything. Not just attachments. Everything. I personally don't like this as it makes unlocking guns too easy and you could have very powerful guns early on. Maps: The maps are bad. My main problem with them is that they are very big. Like i said, 8v8 do you spend lots of times running around. the problem with this is that it promotes camping because people think "Why should i spend lots of time trying to find someone when they can come to me." This means that you will spend lots of time running around then step into a building only to get shot by the guy who'd been sitting there for the last 5 minutes. You know its bad when the first kill happens 3 minutes in. The only good maps are strikezone and Warhawk because they are more like the medium sized maps in previous CoDs. So basically the maps are too big and everyone camps. Spawning: The thing with this game is, when you're not getting killed by a camper, you are getting killed by a dude who just spawned right behind you or you are spawning in front of a guy. the worst is definitely that the game doesn't recognise the Guard Dog (a dog which protects you until it is killed) kill streak as a player so i once spawn in the spot only to get killed by a dog 6 times in a row. Once i even spawned inside the dog which was funny until it ripped me apart. To test the spawning on the game, whenever i get a sat-com (like a UAV but it is a placeable object on the ground) i will always place it where i spawn. Normally i will work a very short distance (around 1/6th of the maps length) only to be informed that the enemy have destroyed my SAT-COM. That has to be some of the worst spawning i have ever seen in any game. The Technical Stuff Things like the hit detection, weapon balancing, connection. All perfect. It's sort of weird that the one time they manage to get this right, the muck everything else up.

Extinction Extinction is a mode where a group of up to four players must use a drill to go around an area destroying alien "hive's" It's a bit like zombies, except: The aliens do not appear in waves, only when the drill is placed. They do get progressively harder, however. It ends after destroying the 14th hive and placing a nuke to blow up the final hive. You create a class by picking soldier class (Weapon specialist, tank, medic and engineer) It's not as the fun.

The reason I don't find it fun is because it will always be the same. With zombies you can experiment, you can play differently every time, you can really change things around. with this you can change what class you use which slightly affects gameplay.

The Verdict. I wouldn't buy this game. The singleplayer is boring and the story is bland. 1 star. The multiplayer has bad maps and the spawning is very broken. Players don't help this by deciding that they must all camp. The great hit detection and balanced weapons make up for this though so the game gets an extra half star. Extinction is a decent gamemode to play if you've got nothing else to do and, despite its faults, it can be quite good at times so that gets the game another half a star leaving the game at 2 STARS The Final Verdict: You can borrow it from a friend, you can rent the game but whatever you do don't buy it!
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