Good for, a very few, some.
8 April 2014
It's easy to see why the reviews are polarized. I can imagine when looking on any meta-review site that the results will be around the 5.0 section, as 50% watching this gave it a ten, and 50% giving it a 0. I should begin by telling you, I was in the first 50%. The film starts off somewhat slow, building up to its first shock moment. Although the shock moments do come in dribs and drabs, the visual style, never lets up. It is always interesting. The score is somewhat lacking for a movie with a character and his 17 lines, the score doesn't quite live up to the tension it wants to create. The dialogue is very concise, nobody saying anything that they don't need to. Something that appeals to me from my personal love of the 'dollars' series. It is very ambitious in how well- developed the characters can become from extremely minimal dialogue. To the film's credit however, it achieves this. The acting is for the most part up to scratch. To which, it is very interesting to see the way that each characters presence in the scene, does make a large difference, something not often found in modern movies. One thing that stands out in terms of audience appeal, is that this is an art-house movie. Incorrectly mainstream released, it is for those art-house fans out there. The film's cinematography and moody style is what carries it, but with this level of risk, maintaining an audience's attention is like walking on a tightrope, over a volcano, and the rope being made of butter. It's very risky, but with a sustained attention span you will appreciate and enjoy Only God Forgives. Winding-Refn hasn't quite lived up to the level of shock, intrigue and tension that Drive had, but even if this movie is half the movie that Drive is, it's still going to be pretty awesome.

Final Verdict: B-

If you LOVED Drive, you'll LIKE Only God Forgives.

If you liked this and want to see more, check out the blog I originally wrote it on. IT's just starting up, all support welcome.

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