Review of Emerald Cove

Emerald Cove (1993– )
Such are the times...
8 April 2014
True, Emerald Cove is recalled to mind, as I now read about it in year 2014. Thank you for the excellent review; as I remember it in a different sense, a different light back then in 1993 thereabouts. When experiencing on location as an extra, through Stevie Lynn Productions, at Orlando Universal Studios, for the Disney TV series by director Dennis Steinmetz. Such were the times then, as I later learned in 2003, Steinmetz was moving on to the state of California; soon after his location shooting ended in Florida State. I never learned of an inquiry in possibly locating for continued "extra work" with them. But such are the times, as you say it well, "Emerald Cove, gone but not forgotten." Suzanne McMillen-Fallon, Author 2014
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