Review of Monster

Millennium: Monster (1997)
Season 2, Episode 4
The Children's Hour of These Three
16 February 2014
This episode of a veritable feast of X-Files actors: Agent Spender (Chris Owens), Robert Patrick Modell (Robert Wisden), Melissa Rydell Ephesian (Kristin Kloke, aka "Lt./Cpt. Shane Vansen" of "Space Above and Beyond") and most importantly, Lauren Diewold who was Skully's De-Facto "Daughter" "Emily".

But the winner of the Guest-Actress Award goes to Mary Gillis as "Penny Plott" - And Although not having been in "The X-Files" she can be seen on a Balcony in the film "2012" yelling - "We have to move to Wisconsin!"

In fact, Ms. Gillis acts as the narrator of this tale. Basically, this episode is a reflection on the national policy of "McCarthyism" (Or, "McCarthyWasm, to put it the way Eisenhower did), which tried and convicted people of communism without the benefit of Judge and Jury.

We also see shades of a classic movie, called "These Three" which was re-made later as "The Children's Hour"- In which all it took to destroy the lives of Three Innocent People were the words of one lying child.

And it is this concept that most people, especially in the United States, have a hard time wrapping their minds around. Because we in the US, we see Children as Innocents, forgetting that even the Bible says that Not One is Innocent, and that the Seed of Sin is implanted into every human being - At Birth.

Ms Diewold as she probably is now, magnificently illustrates that it is actually possible for a child to be born bad: Just as she portrayed an Innocent Child in The X-Files in Three Episodes, she is the exact inverse here.

Frank Black has lost his Ability to Profile, he has lost his Spiritual Edge. Or, he had, up until he goes to Penny Plott's Daycare Center, and for the first time since the end of Season 1, sees his imagery of a Daemon: But he comes face to face with the Eyes of Laura Means.

We had seen Laura (Kristin Kloke) on the same plane as Black, looking out a window and seeing an Angel. What did that mean? Basically it means the same thing as Black's Daemon.

But back in Seattle, Jordan Black is found with a mysterious Injury to her mouth which could have been "Blunt Force Trauma" and behind Black's back and In Absentia, he is just about convicted of Child Abuse.

But he does not know this, and it causes a problem while he is investigating the child "Danielle Barbakow" (Diewold)- Who feigns Injury at Blacks hand, and he is arrested for it.

Black: "You can take my money, you can take my Yellow House, but not on a Lie".

But Black was Lucky, he had Catherine and Jordan supporting him and even flying out to Arkansas.

But Frank's Salvation is due to the mother of Danielle, played by Gillian barber (Who was Penny Northern in The X-Files, an Abductee Friend of Skully's)- She had seen from Birth, that Danielle was not what she expected in a Child, and moreover had heard Danielle cause her own injuries.

If only more parents could be as honest as this, but it is difficult when a Child is in the Mix, as Danielle's Father instantly and irrevocably sides with Danielle.

But the most frightening thing about this episode, is the "Town Hall" meeting at the beginning of this Episode, Chris Owens' Character decides to side with Penny Plott, as she had raised most of the people in the town, but they start chanting "We believe the Children, We believe the Children" - This is a chorus phrase that could doom anyone in the US, guilty of molestation or not.

In Protecting our Children, it is paramount that we find out if they are lying, just in case they are. But beyond that, we cannot just assume somebody is guilty, no matter what any Newspapers or Fox News bulletin says, every man is due his day in court and it is the right of every man to be CONFRONTED with his accuser - Something that McCarthy denied his victims, and this is also denied to the Accused in (some) cases of Child Abuse as well. We cannot judge and convict anyone on Hearsay Evidence.
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