Prometheus (1998)
Brilliant poetic take on the defeat of the UK working class
9 January 2014
I saw this film when it was released in the cinemas many years ago and don't know how I might see it again. It was probably one of the least commercial films to be made by Film Four, with a big chunk of Arts Council money. It would probably seem incomprehensible to many people but for those of us who grew up in Britain in the 1970s and 1980s, it makes a lot of sense. The film looks back over sixty years of European history and politics; the actors speak completely in verse; it's intelligent and darkly funny. It's unlike other film I've ever seen. It does have the quality of a lecture or political discourse and that isn't why a lot of people go to see movies but for those people interested in art that really pushes the boundaries and that requires thought then it's definitely worth a watch.
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