Millennium: A Room with No View (1998)
Season 2, Episode 20
Love is Blue in a Room with No View
4 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Love is Blue" by André Popp and Pierre Cour as played by Paul Mariat is one of the best songs ever written. Of course, it is not intended to be played over and over and over again.

But the reason I think this, is because when I was in Junior High, I was bussed to my School, and at 7:30 sharp in the morning after "Down on the Corner" or "Up Around the Bend" by Creedence, they would play the instrumental version of "Love is Blue" - This exact version from this episode.

And I remember endless days of gray skies and rain and that song playing, the song made me feel just as hopeless as the abducted in this episode.

Lucy Butler/Legion is back. After serving Frank and Katherine Black a fresh "Fabricant" Kidney Pie and hanging "Blech" up on a metal rod in the Black's Basement, she had vanished. Now we know, it was to set up - Or Return to - THIS franchise of Heartbreak Hotels.

In all of these Legion episodes, it's hard to understand that Legion's Goals are. One of these goals is to get Frank Black to work for Him/Her/It. Other goals include making as much trouble and fear for The Black's as it can, since Frank is never going to agree to work for Legion regardless of how well Legion claims its Health Benefits are.

The Principality of Legion is best represented by "Al Pepper" (Richard Cox)- when he offers Frank a job and makes it sound SO good, you can see all of your worst experiences with crooked used car salesman in that encounter. This is an entity that seems to be intimate with Frank Black and his affairs and mostly his fears.

The Yellow House, which was Frank's Bastion of Safety, had been breached in "Lamentations" in season One, and now Legion and Butler are back to dig into Black some more.

So - These Kids are targeted. Christopher Masterson from "Malcolm in the Middle" is a kid named Landon Bryce who, for how bright he is, thinks of himself as "Normal".

In fact, as shown in this episode, this kid is anything but "Normal" - He is Exceptional. But he never uses his Exceptionality for himself, he only cares for his friend, "Howard Gordon" named for X-Files producer and writer Alumni Howard Gordon.

I never understood why Butler was kidnapping these boys and "Loving" them - And one of the abducted shudders at the prospect of being "loved" by Butler, and I think I would too, at least in the way expressed here. Butler seems to be taking Kids with exceptional Standards and turning them "Normal" - And her standards of Normalcy are, anyone who would betray a friend.

In the hierarchy of Butler's little House Queendom, those who become her version of "Normal" are either let got or given better rooms in her quaint little Prisonhouse: And we see the kid which Landon had named "Ben" (Chad Todhunter) actually tricking Landon into trying to escape out of a Tunnel just so he can get better accommodations.

I suppose this is a true vision of "Normality", because from what I have been seeing from 2008 to 2013, a large group of "conservative" people who claim to be "Normal" are promoting their agendas by using the same method by which Ben tricked Landon.

So maybe the Lucy Butler character is a fiction, but there is some power out there teaching people it is better to break a sacred trust in the name of "God" than to tell the Truth and act with real Love. Real Love is not a tool to be used to gain anything, rather the reverse: it is guaranteed you will lose something if you have Love and and act with it. So Lucy Butler teaches the reverse of this: You will be rewarded for doing bad things.

The Scope of Legion's Franchise is revealed by the school counselor "Teresa Roe" (Mariangela Pino) who had been shilling for Butler for most of a decade.

We know Legion uses the bodies of the dead to walk around on the earth. Usually it uses the form of Lucy Butler and likes to switch to the Long Haired Man with the long black overcoat when it wants to do some harm.

Even with this knowledge that had been gleaned form the other Legion episodes, it was rather shocking to see how long Butler has had this franchise going: and even more disturbing is that Lucy herself, the real Lucy was probably the first victim of it.

But just as there is this representative of evil, we have to remember the young kid who Frank saw "Shoot" Al Pepper, and this person is also visiting Frank in Various Forms.

Gris, Gris, L'amour Est Gris Pleure Mon Cœur Lorsque Tu t'en vas Gris, Gris, Le Ciel Est Gris Tombe La Pluie Quand Tu N'es Plus Là
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