Mystery!: Cadfael: One Corpse Too Many (1994)
Season 1, Episode 1
A bit cerebral but worth your time.
31 October 2013
My uncle was recently talking about how much he enjoyed the Cadfael films. Well, other than knowing that Derek Jacobi starred in the shows, I know nothing about them and decided to give them a try. And, logically the first, "One Corpse Too Many", seems like a good place to start.

The show begins with some usurper, Stephen, seizing the crown. However, a castle refuses to submit to his rule and they send a couple squires out to find the Empress in order to bring her treasure to finance a new army. But, the garrison falls and Stephen has the folks in the garrison put to death. When the bodies are ready for burial, Cadfael is given the task of arranging for this. But, he notices there is one extra body. And, when he examines the dead carefully, he notices one was NOT hung like the rest but was murdered. So, he decides to investigate.

While I do think that "One Corpse Too Many" was a quality production, I doubt that it really is something that would appeal to everyone. While the acting is very good, the plot involving and the finale rousing, most people probably have little interest in the Middle Ages and might find the film a bit too cerebral. This is NOT a complaint--just an observation about the audience for the film. I liked it but I did think the whole girl dressing like a boy angle was ridiculous--as I knew immediately (and you will too) that it was a she.
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