Review of Spy

Spy (2011–2012)
Absurdum ad Hysterical
27 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The show has what would seem a simple premise: a divorced father wants custody of his extremely precocious son. And then everything gets bent. Darren Boyd, who plays Tim, signs up for what he believes is a civil service position but he actually gets hired to be a spy for MI-5. While his character mostly plays it straight, everyone else is crazy. Robert Lindsay as the head spymaster is so far over the top, his characterization becomes absurdly ridiculous but at the same time even more real. And that is true for the rest of the cast as well. And it is that craziness that makes the show hold together incredibly well. Rebekah Stanton provides some sex appeal as Caitlin, female agent; Dolly Wells as Boyd's ex-wife is perfect as the wife who wants a different life but whose choices make you wonder; Tom Goodman Hill (Philip 20110 and Mark Heap )Philip 2012) are excellent as Wells' potential future husband. Terence Maynard plays a CIA agent who fits in perfectly as a temp assigned to MI-5 and is Stanton's previous love interest and Boyd's rival. And Jude Wright, Marcus, will make you wonder about childhood and impress you with his acting. Every episode does flow from the previous one and each just keeps on stretching the envelope providing continued laughs. Catch this on Hulu. You want to see the original as there is some noise about exporting this an American reboot which would be a shame. No way can anyone catch the believable absurdity of the original cast.
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