Review of 42

42 (2013)
Follows the formula, but doesn't add any zest to it.
23 October 2013
42 is the cinematic equivalent of a great hitter smashing a double—but not even considering going to third base even if he had a slight chance.

42 is an entertaining movie. It is motivating. It has all the qualities of your inspiring American story about an individual rising up against the ranks and accomplishing their far-fetched goals. The Rocky formula was nicely dropped on the Jackie Robinson story as this legendary player had to go up against layers of racism within the sport of baseball while also dealing with his team's tough pennant race. The movie had the personality that makes it immediately likable. You can't dislike this movie. You honestly can't.

The cast is good. The cinematography is good. The production value is grand. The effort is clearly here. All the cylinders are working.

But in spite of all this, 42 doesn't attempt to go the next step. This movie plays it extremely safe. It is a rough rated-R story that became condensed and watered-down to a PG-13 flick. It dabbles into the surface of racism, but doesn't dwell too deep. It only covers his early days, and doesn't cover the aftermath and his later years. The problems didn't exactly go away just because he survived his first year. Jackie Robinson's entire career was met with resistance. Some can argue he died younger because of all the stress associated with being the controversial pioneer.

What bogs this movie the most is that we have seen it all before, as sad as it sounds. He even starred in his own documentary back in the 1950s for crying out loud. A good movie will accurately portray the drama; but a great movie will make you practically experience it. It is this element that makes the World War II flick Thin Red Line a good movie, and Saving Private Ryan the one that represents and dominates the genre.

So 42 will entertain you and will make you root for the lead characters, but don't expect it to add anything new to the table.
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