Poor update of the noir genre
20 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's pretty obvious that "Shadows in the Storm" is an attempt to do a modern day noir of sorts, thought there are differences between it and your typical noir. It's filmed in color, for one thing. Though a bigger difference is who is cast in the lead male role, a very unlikely choice - Ned Beatty! You definitely wouldn't see someone like him in noirs of the past, and the movie seems to realize this, since a lot of the movie seems to have been directed somewhat tongue in cheek. But I didn't find the intentional humor all that amusing, and there's more about the movie that's not to like. The script is badly written - not only is it obvious what some eventual twists will be long before they happen, there are some real goofs in the central story, like how it's established that Beatty's character can't see well without his glasses, but later is seen DRIVING IN THE NIGHT WITHOUT HIS GLASSES! Maybe if the movie had more goofs like this, it could be enjoyed as a camp classic, but as it is, it's pretty stupid and predictable. However, if you've ever wanted to see Ned Beatty in a sex scene...
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