Room 237 (I) (2012)
A fun film for people that just like a good conspiracy
15 October 2013
I came into this documentary having only seen The Shining one time am hearing very little about what this film would cover. Room 237 looks at The Shining for multiple viewpoints by a number of people that see things differently than most of us.

The ideas put forth describing the possible hidden meanings in the film range from basic (albeit more thought out than by the average viewer) to whoa crazy crazy. The level to which you will enjoy this doc is likely related to how serious you take yourself and your cinema. If you are the type of person that hates when people are wrong, doesn't entertain the idea of a myth, or just think this doc is meant as a straightforward account of the mind of the director, maybe this movie isn't for you.

I had a lot of fun watching this doc, it brought up some questions, and made me wonder what was intentional in The Shining and what might have been accidental. That being said, I like a good conspiracy and would like to believe in some of the more unbelievable things in this world. I'm no tinfoil hat guy but I like to look at things with an open mind.

This doc accomplishes what it set out to do, provide you with a smattering of ideas to get your mind going on your own theories.
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