If you are a parent of a teenage girl this movie is not for you… or is it?
21 September 2013
I remember when I saw "kids" (1995), somehow I thought it provided an educational purpose and it it made me plan for the future.

Some of us do everything we believe is the right thing to do as a parent, some others don't, and some of us worry, trying not to think about every time we let our kid out the door. And "Little Thirteen" (2013) is a scary movie, not because of ghouls and decapitations, but for the portrayal of the behavior of the protagonists.

"Little Thirteen" at first, seems to have the only reason as to arouse the "perverts" or to remind us of our own sins and the sins that our own kids may or may have not yet committed. But let me play the guy standing on the middle of the street with a big sign that says: "No salvation" unless... we lock up the M iley Cyru s, and Snookies of the world, and throw the key away.

Certainly there is not too much that is new in this movie, it's more of a nasty reminder, seasoned with some porn, and a couple of traumatizing scenes such as a kid slapping a baby to wake him up, or when the same kid is resting in the street like a common drunk, after eating too much candy, for some this is an implausible scenario, for others part of a crude world. It also crossed my mind that this movie was to promote promiscuity and somehow make us believe that such behavior at early age should be acceptable. But as the movie went on, the intentions for it became clearer.

The movie opens with what it is supposed to be a very young girl in a t-shirt and underwear, still, the director, manages to send our attention to a hamster's cage, so I hoped that it would be more of an art movie than exploitation. Instead it pounds on what most of us supposed to know by now, that as "glamorous" as it may be on young minds, sex and alcohol without a real education is just the beginning of the end with irreversible consequences. That is where the movie does its best, telling, once more, how dumb is just pleasing our senses and desires, ignoring what is in front of the eyes.

"Yvonne", one of the characters already has two children and not much to look forward to, and "Charly", her sister, is merely a continuation of that vicious circle. If it sounds familiar it's because it could be your own story or the story of your neighbors, or the person you just crossed on the street. You don't need to be a genius to anticipate that the unhappy forever comes after the "I want to have fun now" and that is what the scene of Yvonne looking through the Pirate Telescope represents while she weeps "seeing" everything she has lost and all she will never have.

My only complaint is that the movie could have done without the last bedroom scene; still, I understand that the writers and director used it to make a point for Sarah's closing thoughts. Overall if you are looking for a good time this is not a movie for you, but if you are in the mood for planning someone's future or your own, then welcome to the life of this girls.
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