Proof of Life (2000)
Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan uncomfortably real
13 September 2013
South American rebels kidnap Peter Bowman (David Morse), a US engineer who works for an oil company. The company calls in negotiator Terry Thorne (Russell Crowe). When the oil company abandons them, Bowman's wife Alice (Meg Ryan) begs Terry to stay.

First we must address the Russell Crowe - Meg Ryan real life romance. It definitely muddied the movie's reception. But it's eerie how the movie mirrors real life. David Morse plays the husband a little bit too unlikeable. It made the budding romance of the leads uncomfortably too real in both life and movie. That part of the movie is just too creepy. I do like Russell Crowe negotiating with the rebels. The action at the end is worthwhile and the whole story flows very well.
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