Swing for the fence, hit a single
11 September 2013
Films that tackle difficult subject matter, particularly mental or psychological issues, require a near-flawless performance from the leading role, and lackluster talent and delivery can kill these genres before they even hit the production room.

This movie is a prime example. Luke, our protagonist, possesses all the characteristics one might expect from a young autistic man living with his grandparents: he is neurotic, obsessive, doesn't like to be crowded (physically or in conversation), committed to ritual, etc. Unfortunately, viewers have been spoiled watching Dustin Hoffman and Sean Penn deliver the same character, but with incomparable form, and when a C-list actor takes the reins of a role like this, he better have the supporting cast, script, and director to back it all up. None of that was present.

The protagonist is quickly thrown to the wolves after he is forced out of the comfortable home he has known his whole life. Cary Elwes plays his uncle, but he struggles through the easiest role a 40-something can play: the typified stay-at-work dad who has grown apart from his plastic-faced-bitch-of-a-wife. As Luke is forced into a new living situation with his forgotten aunt and cousins, viewers sense the overplayed hostility toward Luke, which is clearly a result of the writers establishing early friction in order to execute the feel-good turnaround later. Simple apathy would have sufficed.

If that weren't contrived enough, the casting team brought in Seth Green to try and salvage Luke's scenes outside the home. As Luke's socially incapable temp manager, Green is clearly a much more experienced actor and is worth a few laughs. Still, as the plot develops he turns from Luke's superior to Luke's disciple, in a way, and considering the gap in acting talent, this plot strategy doesn't hold much water. Moreover, Green basically plays the same role he always does - a spoiled, red- head, loud-mouthed brat and self-possessed computer nerd. An actor better be talented if he's going to play the same role for two decades.

All in all, the acting keeps the viewer thinking to himself, "Wait a minute, people don't behave like this," and in the end it was probably the fault of the writers, as well as the director for letting it slide. There were few cinematographic tricks to make the film "artistic," so we're left with something trying to be autisitic. As too many films have shown us, doing autism is difficult, and when you fail, you fail hard.

The film gets 4 stars for tackling important subject matter and finishing with a positive note that viewers probably weren't expecting. However, 96 minutes can be better spent watching or doing something else.
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